Monday, January 24, 2011

My Body - His Workmanship

Read Psalms 139

We often use this passage for the arguement of sanctity of life but we can also look at the way God has made us.  When was the last time you  stood naked in front of a mirror and said, "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."  Because you are and so am I.  (There may be a layer of fat over the wonderful workmanship of God but we need to start seeing ourselves as God sees us; his workmanship.) 
When we say we don't like something about our bodies, we are telling God that He messed up and that girlfriend is not a rode we want to take.  This has nothing to do with the junk we have put in our bodies, it does have to do with your fingers that are too short, your legs that are too short, or your neck that is too long.  (You get my drift.)
Read Eccl 11:5
As an anxious new Mom I remember wondering what my new baby would look like; but even then God knew.  He also knew our body types, tall or short, muscular or thin, even if we would struggle with food or not.  So if God loves us then we need to learn to love ourselves where we are but work to become a healthier version of me.

So, how do I fix this:
We need to call on Jehovah-Raphe the God who heals.  Why do we need healing?  Because, our poor body image and self-loathing has broken us.  We need to allow God to heal our hurts before we can fix His temple.

Exodus 20: 2-3; 15: 25-26
This is a conditional covenant so we need to see what the conditions are for God to rain down His healing and it is 4 things:
1. Listen
2. Do the right thing
3. Obey His commands
4. Keep all His decrees
Doing these things would keep the Israelites from experiencing the diseases God brought upon the Egyptians.  We need to ask God what sin we are holding on to that keeps us from experiencing His healing.  DO NOT misunderstand me I am not saying that everyone who is sick; is sick due to sin in their lives.  I AM saying that illness due to an unhealthy lifestyle or one controlled by addiction must first bring us to conviction before God can bring healing.
After we confess then we need to forgive ourselves.
*Buck up and move on STOP WALLOWING!* 
Psalm 32:5
"When we refuse to forgive ourselves we are saying by our actions that the cross was not enough." (Sheri Rose Shepard)
We have an obligation to our children because kids who see parents with a poor body image will themselves be more apt to have a poor body image.

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