To begin with you need to read Numbers 11 from start to finish.
There are times when we crave foods some times this is good and sometimes it is bad. For instance, when a pregnant women craves something with nutrients the baby needs. This is a good thing, but when we crave sweets that is not okay. In the passage we see the children of Israel complaining AGAIN. (How many times does the Lord see us in this same boat. Whining about what we don't have instead of thanking Him for the things we do have.) They literally watched the Lord set fire to the outskirts of their camp due to complaining and they turned around and verse 4 states "yielded to intense craving" and started whining and crying about not having meat to eat. It amazes me that after God had produced miracle after miracle the Israelites can't have patience to wait without complaining for the land of milk and honey. Is anyone else feeling convicted or is it just me.
I feel compelled to give some back round on Numbers. The first 14 chapters of Numbers is about 2 years after the exodus then chapter 20 and beyond tells of the 40th year and beyond. It is interesting to note that chapters 15-19 are not dated but most likely cover the 37 years between the 2nd and 40th years. This is per Dr MacArthur's Study Bible. This lack of information tells just how wasted these years were due to rebellion against the Lord. My question, if I could ask God anything would be "How long would you have led the Israelites around before letting them enter the promise land if they hadn't complained?" The spies entered Canaan about 2 years post leaving Egypt. We know that from Egypt to Canaan shouldn't have taken 2 years but it did.
So if I am complaining about the lack of weight loss or giving into temptation all the time how long am I delaying victory over my flesh? Once again this applies to all sin in my life.
Okay back to the passage.
So now manna isn't good enough; now they want meat. I believe God says this to me. " Is the veggies, lean meat, and fruit not enough? So now you want cake, ice cream, pop, pasta, and etc.?" When I wish I could have... or eat... when I know it is not good for me then I am sure I grieve the Lord. If I am dwelling on what I can't have then I am NOT resting in the arms of my Saviour.
I find it a bit humorous that Moses essentially feels like we as parents do when our kids start complaining to us. How many times as parents do we wish we could leave this world as apposed to listening to our children complain about what we don't have to eat. So God tells Moses, fine they want meat; I'll give them meat until it makes them sick. I believe that God has given us over to our cravings, craving of food that causes inflammation in our joints, causes weight gain, and mood swings because we are not seeking God's Will. How can we be affective in service to Him if we are sick all the time.
Moses also feels like he needs help. First God gives him the help he wanted but what Moses still didn't understand was that he had ALL the power necessary to lead the Israelites. We too forget the power God has given to us. The power to control our desires and the power to parent well.
We need to pray God's Will because when we pray our will God may answer yes to our prayer to show us that our will is not best.
God provided meat but it wasn't the best for them. They collected 10 homers of quail which is about 86 gallons. Since there was no cold storage every piece of meat had to be cooked and eaten quickly. In fact it made those who yielded to their cravings became sick while they were eating and died. There are foods we have access to that may seem okay but in actuality it is not. Oh the gluttony that ultimately led to the death of many, may we guard against this in our lives.
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