Our bodies are 70% water. As per The Water Cure website muscles are 75%, blood 82%, lungs 90%, brain 76%, and bones are 25% water. (Dr F. Batmanghelidj)
Another great resource, www.mercola.com, this is a very simple break down of how water is used in the human body:
- essential for digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination
- aids circulation
- helps control body temperature
- lubricates and cushions joints
- keeps skin healthy
- helps remove toxins from the body.
Symptoms of mild dehydration are: fatigue, dry skin, headaches, and constipation.
Symptoms of severe dehydration are: can effect blood pressure, circulation, digestion and kidney function.
In her book Joyce Meyer tells us that in an average day Americans drink more than 400 calories a day; this can add 40 pounds per year. My point is that getting our "water" in sugary (artificial or real) drinks like juice, sweet tea, and soda does NOT count! She also reminds us that sometimes when we think we are hungry we are actually thirsty. So no wonder Jesus speaks of Himself as living water. Just as water is essential for physical functions; Jesus Christ is essential for spiritual function.
John 4:1-26
Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John 2(although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), 3he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. 4And he had to pass through Samaria. 5So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6Jacob’s well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour.
7A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her,
16Jesus said to her,
1) (vs.4) John most likely is saying that Jesus had a definite plan that was God-given. He was to have a conversation with this particular Samaritan woman who was shameful even with in the Samaritan community.
2) (vs.7) Jesus broke protocol - not only did he speak to a woman but to a Samaritan woman. This woman would be the equivalent of a mouthy, trashy woman today who was rude and dirty in look and spirit.
3) (vs.15) Jesus pricks her spiritual thirst but she doesn't quite get it at first. She just sees a possible way to avoid drawing water everyday.
4) (vs.16) She didn't see her need until Christ pointed it out. (How often do we need to let God show us our imperfections and our need for Him.)
5) (vs.19-21) When her sin was pointed out she tried to divert attention by explaining where her forefathers worshipped. (Boy, does that sound familiar. "But God I do go to church to but I didn't do...") Sin is sin and it is shameful for me when God points is out even when I'm the only one who knows.
6) (vs.23) This verse refers to the fact that Jesus knew soon he would die and be resurrected and no longer would it be necessary to sacrifice in the temple because the spirit of God would live in the lives of those who believe. We are told we can worship anywhere as long as it is "in spirit and in truth".
7) (vs.25&26) She states that she is looking for the Messiah and stepping out of the norm Jesus tells her that He is the Messiah. With the Jewish leaders, He often side-stepped this answer. By using the phrase "I AM", He is telling her He is Yahweh the God of the Old Testament.
So lets apply this:
- We need to seek God to fill our spiritual thirst.
- We need God to take a magnifying glass to the dark recesses of our hearts.
- We need to water those around us spiritually. I sponge can only take in so much liquid before it needs to be squeezed to release the liquid to sop up more.
- We need to challenge the unbelieving around us that what if the Bible is true, what if the worldly things they are craving is not the real thing they are craving. (Like when we think we are hungry instead we are thirsty.)
- Physically we need to drink more water, filtered or spring is best. A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight and divide it in half and that number is the amount of ounces you need to drink daily. For example, if you weight 140 divide it by 2 = 70. So 70 oz. a day is what you need to drink. You shouldn't drink this all at the same time. Space it out throughout the day.
Make the change today.
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