I want to say that you will get the most out of this if you read through the book of Amos. It is 9 short chapters. You will understand more that way.
We sit here in our plush homes in Johnson County whining because we can't help but give into the temptations that surround us, when there are people starving to death everyday. I want to take a look at a warning that was given by Amos. He was a minor prophet that lived in Tekoa and was sent by God to Israel during the time between when Jeroboam II and the death of Uzziah. Amos 1:1 says specifically 2 years before the earthquake. Tekoa was a small village southeast of Bethlehem in Judah. Remember this is when the country is split. Amos was a Shepherd; the lowest of the low coming to speak to the rich and famous. It would be like one of the Hispanic transient workers going to those in our government and warning them.
Amos starts out with a warning to Israel's neighbors about the coming Assyrian government. Then he moves to Israel. Amos reminds them that these are God's words not his. In Chap. 3 he is telling them that without immediate change on their part God's judgement will fall on them. Chap. 4 explains that their worship was false and not genuine. They were going through the motions of the Mosaic Law however they were worshipping idols as well. God is a jealous God and expects from His children complete respect. It also is telling them that their wealth will not save them. As He did to Egypt He sent plagues and drought and such. They still didn't seek God. In Chap. 5 we see God pleading for them to return to Him, that even with the Assyrian government breathing down on them it is not too late. This shows God's great love for His children. By verse 21 He is telling them that their worship means nothing because they are just going through the motions. When you go to church God is the only one who can truly see your heart. What would He say about your worship is it genuine or are you going through the motions? Chap. 6 shows us how the wealthy were eating and living it up and not giving a second thought to what God through Amos was saying. We can sit back and say how could they be so blind but we do the same thing. "I don't know why....." Maybe it is because God is trying to tell you something but instead you just make excuses. Chap. 7 gives a vision of what is to come. All the awful thing that will happen since Israel refuses to turn from evil. Chap. 8 speaks of mourning and 9 has 2 parts the 2nd is a restoration of Israel; a promise of God's blessing that was given to Abraham and his descendants. We buzzed through that to get here to this promise. This is the time when Jesus will return as King no longer will Israel have to fight to protect her borders. God will forgive, come, rule and reign. Please read Amos 9:11-15
You may say; so what does that have to do with anything we have been talking about. This is what I will say to you: God does 3 things over and over in scripture. He promises a blessing for obedience; He gives a warning for disobedience and then He acts. We tend to have the same sin issues over and over just like the Israelites. Rarely; in fact I'm not sure I have ever heard any one say; "You know a funny thing happened yesterday I was envious of my neighbor's new car and I've never been envious before. God knows our hearts and our struggles. My challenges this week are no different than the ones I had last week. What God is asking of us is to be repentant and striving to live better daily. I do better about keeping my mouth in check when I am praying daily and in His Word daily seeking Him. I do better because I am surrendering to Him and allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me. IT IS NOTHING I DO ON MY OWN! He has promised that one day he will return, that we will get a new body; a perfect one. We will rule, reign, and praise Him forever. This life is fleeting and we need to work at serving Him daily.
You need to ask yourself; "Am I like Israel? Acting like a spoiled rich kid that thinks that everything should be handed to me on a silver platter? Well, I didn't eat... I should be rewarded with weight loss because I deserve it. After all its not my fault that I could only workout one day this week. I had to run kids around I should get some down time of my own to read a book or watch my favorite TV show (I do DVR it so I am not wasting time watching commercials). Its not my fault it was Father's Day and we needed to celebrate that with my husband's favorite meal or by going out to eat at a restaurant that didn't have healthy choices, after all he got to pick. We need to stop acting like spoiled rich kids. There was a song long time ago called Excuses, excuses.
REMEMBER: The difference between living a life of excellence and living a life of mediocrity is 1-2 hours of laziness.
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