Thursday, June 16, 2011

Food Pornography

At the height of my Coke-a-cola addiction I would find myself at Sonic between 2pm-4pm because I could get a large coke for 92 cents; (yes I do know the exact amount for the Sonic closest to my house.)  I didn't usually get a Route 44 coke because that would be very indulgent.  I hope the sarcasm is not lost on those reading this. I sometimes would stop almost without realizing it; I would crave it so much.  One could say I lusted after it.  Do you have a food or drink that you lust after?  That if it is in your reach, as the Lays commercial used to say "you can't stop at one"?  Well this is sin plain and simple.
Have you ever gotten mad because your husband looked too long at a woman that you would say was prettier and skinnier than you?  What would happen if you husband would get mad at you for doing the same thing but with a food that you both know you should not eat.
DO NOT misunderstand me!  I know the consequences are much more severe for a man who follows through with sexual lusts, but there are consequences to following our food lusts that do affect our marriages.  I know our bodies change as we get older, but we are called to take care of our earthly bodies.
Proverbs 11:6 says "The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught be their lust."  The NKJV uses the word naughtiness for lust.  Their is always consequences for sin.  We can run or hind from it.  So lets look at the word lust.  It has 5 noun meaning and 2 verb meanings according to
"1. intense sexual desire or appetite
2. uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness
3. a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually followed by for); a lust for power
4. ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life
5. obsolete a.) pleasure or delight b.) desire; inclination; wish
6. to have intense sexual desire
7. to have a yearning or desire; have a strong or excessive craving (often followed by for or after)."
So "to lust" is not always bad or sexual.  We are going to concentrate on definitions 3 and 1.
I believe God is calling us out on this.  Let's go to I Thess. 4:3-6 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know  how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God; that no one should take advantage of and defraud his brother in this matter, because the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also forewarned you and testified."
We are told to not live as unbelievers, giving ourselves over to sexual immorality.  Most of us would say "Well, that isn't hard.  I don't even feel pretty, or sexy enough to have sex with my own husband, let alone some other man."  If we look at it this way.  We too many times in our marriages thrive in the chase and when that is over we get lazy and stop trying to look great for our husbands.  We then wonder why their eyes wonder.  If you can't stand in front of the mirror in a pretty pair of panties and bra and say "I'm sexy" then get to where you can.  Go back and read Song of Solomon.  God gives a beautiful account of love within the bounds of marriage.  I want you to understand that I am not saying that if your husband cheats it is your fault because we are all in charge of our own decisions.
Lets talk about the other definition of lust.  The one that is more applicable.
James 1:14 says "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed."  The ESV uses the word lured.  Dr McGee states it so sell when he explains that no one else is to blame.  We give in to sin because we are not perfect, however that which tempts us may be different for each one of us.  It is within our DNA; our back round or our personal choices past or present.  This Greek word lured or lust is a fishing or hunting term which means to draw out with bait.  Satan knows how to bait each one of us.
Do not let you weakness be your defeat, but instead defeat you weakness and conquer sin.
In conclusion, lets not be like the Israelites who continually ignored God.  Ps 81:12 says "So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels."
We need to stop giving in to sin and walk boldly to the throne of grace and kneel and worship the King.
Go and read Psalm 15 and substitute "Do I" for "who may".  Can you do that and know that is truly what is in your heart.

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